
Before sunrise

I have for years been thinking of a photo. I have been knowing how to take and when on the day, just before sunrise. As you might know most of the year the sun comes up pretty early in Denmark. And during week-ends I do not tend to be an early riser, and I like my week-end mornings with breakfast, coffee and the paper. So the photo has been kept a thought. But this month my wife is travelling in South America – leaving me home to go to the office at weekdays. So the week-end mornings are not the same and today the sun rose at 8:36. So Today I succeed to be at the spot and I took the photo. Unfortunately the sun was not being visible at all, only heavy clouds and a light rain. So think I need to go back on another week-end with better weather. Until then hope you enjoy the effort from this mornings photo shoot.

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