Anything that can be categorized as culture e.g. art, music, literature, architecture
San Isidora Cemetery
In Denmark many do not care that much about their dead family members, mostly used way to deal is to cremate and to place the urn in the unlisted graves. Easy for the left-back, no grave to take care of and no on-going obligation. Further it’s budget friendly. Taking a trip – especially to Catholic countries – it’s another situation. Graves are serious business, now and especially in the past. Over the year my wife and I have developed a routine of visiting grave-yards where ever we go. This time it happened in Madrid where we visited San Isidora Cemetery. Some of the grave – especially the older ones –…
Sigirya Fortress or the Lion Rock is an amazing attraction that attracts quiet a few visitors, both foreign and Sri Lankan. The fortress is built on the top of a rock that raises approximately 200 meters above the surrounding plain. It’s built around 455 AD by King Kashyapa. Think about climbing the rock by using only footsteps carved into the rock and probably some scaffolding in order to carry bricks an other materials to the building site at the top. Later staircases have been applied. of course we couldn’t see the view from the fortress to the plain. And did not expect to be able to view the fortress from…
Street art in Buenos Aires
Traveled to Argentina in November 2022 among other to experience another tour around to see street art in Buenos Aires. Street art is every where in the city, of course more in some areas than others. Some of the time we just watched it while walking along the streets. But we also went on an official tour with BA Street Art They are active in getting more official recognition to the street art and in commissioning pieces to more walls in the city.
Street Art in Barcelona
Like any other big city Barcelona has a scene for Street Art. I went with the local street art tour for a walk through the “El Raval” neighborhood, starting at the Museum of Modern Art Barcelona and ending the tour at the “Jardin de tres Xemeneies”. A nice 2 hours walk accompanied by a guide with insights into the local street art scene and access to a hidden gem of a closed city park. But some of the pictures here is not from that tour but can be found in the Barrio Gothico Painted in relation to the marking of that it is 50th years since PP died Stencils and…
A designed neighborhood
From the 1930’ies the government in Denmark wanted to encourage people to lead a healthy life, this included being physical active and getting into the nature. So they commissioned a beach park to be constructed north of Copenhagen. The Danish architect Arne Jacobsen was handed the task to create the beach park Bellevue. Afterwards the municipality put him in charge of developing the surroundings further, so he designed residential building and a theater. Today the area and the buildings are considered cultural heritage. Bellavista where every apartment has a view towards the sea The area also needed a gas station, so you could fill up on the way to and…
Buenos Aires – Jardin Botánico Carlos Thays
When visiting big cities you from time to time might need a break from all the noise and crowds. Parks are often such a place you’ll need, here I have found a suggestion for a little quiet moment that also provides entertainment if you like sculptures and plants. The botanical garden in BA provides a collection of flowers and plants – which is the standard feature – but also a series of sculptures. Most of the sculptures are copies of classic artwork, but here copied by Argentinian artists, similar to what can be found around Europe where collections of cast plaster copies of statues are found. The day I visited…
4 seconds
Have you ever wondered what will happen in you life in the next 4 seconds? I have often evaluated what will happen – or more often what would I like to happen – to me within the next 1/2 year or so. But honestly the next few seconds, between rarely and never had I thought what will I be then… Saturday 2022-07-16 I was at an Redbull Cliff dive event. Young men jumps of the roof of the Royal Danish Opera into Copenhagen harbor – 27 meters below – women climb 5 meter down before jumping. According to the information the male jumpers spend a little more than 3 seconds…
You have probably heard about Elsinore, but not as a town with an interesting old town with funny small details to enjoy. Most know the city from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but the other is absolutely worth to spend time on – if you happen to visit the city and want to see something other than the castle.
A newer part of Copenhagen
Copenhagen have been expanding with new areas over the last 20-30 years. Such an area is of course the harbor that was being needed less and less after gods moved from smaller ships to large container ships. So old warehouses and industrial building have been removed and replaced with accommodation for new citizens. I took a walk on a beautiful sunny spring Saturday to have a look. The part I visited was the southern part of the harbor (Sydhavnen) where new islets have been build with houses placed neighboring the canals, so the bottom flats have direct access to the water – just a few steps down. On the eastern…
How do you meet a stranger?
For my own part I seek to meet strangers with an open mind and being welcoming. I like to think of the next of kin as kind person who might be interesting and inspiring to me, maybe even capable of enriching my experience of life. I do not want to meet anybody with aggression or hostility, because everybody has the right to be stand out at present them selves in their best way without my prejudice applied. So when I saw this short movie I thought that’s about my point. Take a look and think do you own thoughts.
Sunset at Sophienholm
I actually went to the local museum Sophienholm to have a look at exhibition of art works with light, exhibited in the park. But didn’t fancy the works that much so I enjoyed the sunset most.
Black and White from Copenhagen
From time to time I chose to convert images from the usual color to B&W, think it brings out other aspects of the image. If I’m experiencing a dull light – e.g. full grey overcast – conversion to B&W can improve the image. Here is a couple of examples that was not taken under a grey sky, but with an almost bright blue sky, still think it provides some additional – but have a look on both these examples and the one from a few days back in full color.
Copenhagen on Christmas Morning
The weather forecast for Christmas day was bright blue sky with sun, so my wife and I decided for an early morning tour through Copenhagen. We started out more than half an hour before sunrise (it’s not as early as it sounds) to take pictures of the newly installed artwork on the pier next to the Royal Theater at Ofelia Beach. We continued through the city and had a couple of hour enjoying the city in the early morning light, you can se a few of my images from the morning trip.
December Light…
I’m not a fan of winter in the Nordic countries, temperatures will be dropping from comfortable to freezing and light seems to disappear. Currently sun will rise around 8:30 and go down again around 15:30, it should provide 7 hours of daylight. But the last 3-4 weeks the weather has not been helping the access to daylight, it has been heavy overcast and rain full, removing even more of the precious daylight (not full fairness to the weather, as there have been 2-3 days with actual sun light for some hours). I’m longing back to midsummer where there will be 17½ hours of daylight :-). To show the difference I…
How good is you glass?
How often do you actually see glass? Most of the time I don’t see the glass, I see whats on the other side, because modern glass – be it windows, camera lenses, spectacles – is clear an almost invisible. For specs and lenses they are even coated to avoid unwanted reflections in order to create the most undisturbed view of whats on the other side. Of course when you glass is dirty you’ll notice, but not the glass, the dirt. It has not always been this way, going back in time to early phases of glass usage in architecture you’ll find glass that you can avoid seeing. In the late…
I prefer to call the city Firenze, like the Italians do, and we do in Denmark. As many other Italian cities it’s is crowded by tourists, but a guide told us that if you come in November, January or February there will be few tourists. We did what you are supposed to do, visit the Uffizi galleries and watched the magnificent medieval art. Some of it is beautiful and has its value as art preserved even today, but a lot of it it simply to crude and primitive to my taste e.g. all the religious stuff I can be without. When I visit a museum and stumble into a hall…
Even though the wall came down more than 28 years ago, it is still very present in the mind of Berlin and Berliners. In my opinion the memory of the wall and the terrifying regime need to be kept, because we need to secure that no country in Europe go onto that route regarding personal freedom, freedom of speech, justice for all. So when you visit Berlin you will experience a lot of evidence from the 28 year long imprisonment of the East Germans. Of course you’ll still find the original venues that came to life just after the wall was down. Check point Charlie Checkpoint Charlie Museum The Wall…
[BMo_scrollGallery id=31 sG_thumbPosition=top sG_images=1 duration=slow gallery_width=800 gallery_height=555 thumbs_width=150 thumbs_height=150 sG_caption=1 sG_start=0 sG_loop=0 sG_loopThumbs=1 sG_clickable=1 sG_opacity=60 sG_area=20 sG_scrollSpeed=0,1 sG_autoScroll=0 sG_aS_stopOnOver=1 sG_diashowDelay=0 sG_followImages=1 sG_responsive=1 ] Var med NNIT på aftentur i Zoo, benyttede lejligheden til at tage nogle enkelte billeder af dyrene, både de vilde og de indespærrede.
For nogle år siden skrev jeg om familiens julesange. Det kan godt være vi ikke synger dem særlig kønt, men vi synger dem i hvertfald højt og hurtigt. Det sker faktisk også at enkelte deltagere søges udstyret med den årlige tilladelse til at synge, for det er helt klart ikke os alle der er udstyret med det kønneste sangorgan. Derfor var jeg ikke det mindste overrasket da jeg læsteDr’s artikel om julesangkvalifikationer, selvom ingen af mostrene i familien hedder Jenny, men nogen af dem er lige så kvalificerede julesangere. Så godt at vi har fået lavet et kortfattet julesanghæfte.
Udflugt til kulturen
Fruen og jeg drog ud i det nordsjællandske for at opleve lidt af kulturen der. Vi startede med at køre til Frederiksværk for at besøge Gjethuset, hvor Yuko Takada Keller, der bor i Helsinge, udstiller sine 3 dimmensionelle værker. Det specielle er at hovedmaterialet er kalkerpapir, det giver nogle skulpturer som er lette og oftest luftige, selvom nogle antager forholdsvis store dimmensioner. Det er ofte tilladt at fotografere Gjethusets udstillinger, så jeg tog nogle billeder af skulpturerne. Alle billederne er taget med mit 50 mm Nikon objektiv og med stor blænde /f:1,8 og /f:2,8, for at undgå blitz og for at få en meget lille dybdeskarphed. Ved efterbehandlingen er der…
Sand i grundlovsdagen
Det er ingen hemmelighed at husstander hylder den demokratiske forfatning eller at vi faktisk ikke synes den er demokratisk nok eller at der er folkevalgte som har en for snæver opfattelse af demokrati. Det sker også at vi ligefrem aktivt støtter op om den demokratiske proces eller benytter vores ytringsfrihed. Tirsdag den 5. juni 2012 blev bare ikke en af dem. Der var ikke noget grundlovsarrangement annonceret som det faldt os ind at frekventere, istedet blev eftermiddagen brugt til en udflugt til Københans havn. Nærmere bestemt området hvor Oslobåden tidligere havde kajplads, lige ved siden af det kongelige skuespilhus, hvor en række kunstnere var blevet udstyret med en større mængde…
Det er jul og juleaften skal hele familien skråle sig vej rundt om det stakkels træ. Vi synger både nogle traditionelle julesange og tager nogle ekstra med for sjov skyld. Ingen af dem er nogensinde blevet sunget som forfatterne havde forestillet sig det. Efter at have sloges med, at huske hvilke variationer vi har tilføjet sangene, i mange år(tier), har jeg taget konsekvensen og lavet vores helt eget julesanghæfte. Det er kort og dokumenterer de sangvariationer jeg kan huske. Jeg regner helt klart med at familien bliver glade for at der ikke ligger et sanghæfte med 47 julesange og -salmer, hvor ingen har mindre en 17 vers. Lad det være…