
  • City,  Sweden

    Malmö – The new parts of the city

    The old harbor with the post office and station at the end of the left pier, conversion from industrial harbor to recreational harbor has been going on for years. And also two new areas are growing Bo01 and Varvsstaden (Shipyard city) with the signature building Turning torso. The area around turning torso is build with diversity in appearance, some low family houses and some arrays with flats in several stories. But, its as if turning torso always pops up above it all Lot’s of cafes and restaurants are found in Bo01, and yes of course others than the primary guest can forage on the scraps. The part of the city…

  • City,  Photo,  Sri Lanka

    Cooking Class in Kandy

    One way to get into a country’s culture is to learn about their foods. What ingredients is used, how are they used and are there any special handling of the food. Of course you can learn a bit by asking at the restaurant where you are eating. But a much more intense and thorough way is to join a cooking class. Many places cooking classes are offered by restaurants, in Kandy we found “Best Kandy Kitchen” which is not a restaurant. It’s a Sri Lankan family who provides cooking classes in their home. Before starting cooking it was like home, you need to go shopping. We went with the host…

  • Argentina,  Art,  City,  Streetart

    Street art in Buenos Aires

    Traveled to Argentina in November 2022 among other to experience another tour around to see street art in Buenos Aires. Street art is every where in the city, of course more in some areas than others. Some of the time we just watched it while walking along the streets. But we also went on an official tour with BA Street Art They are active in getting more official recognition to the street art and in commissioning pieces to more walls in the city.

  • Art,  City,  Culture,  Spain,  Streetart

    Street Art in Barcelona

    Like any other big city Barcelona has a scene for Street Art. I went with the local street art tour for a walk through the “El Raval” neighborhood, starting at the Museum of Modern Art Barcelona and ending the tour at the “Jardin de tres Xemeneies”. A nice 2 hours walk accompanied by a guide with insights into the local street art scene and access to a hidden gem of a closed city park. But some of the pictures here is not from that tour but can be found in the Barrio Gothico Painted in relation to the marking of that it is 50th years since PP died Stencils and…

  • Argentina,  Art,  City

    Buenos Aires – Jardin Botánico Carlos Thays

    When visiting big cities you from time to time might need a break from all the noise and crowds. Parks are often such a place you’ll need, here I have found a suggestion for a little quiet moment that also provides entertainment if you like sculptures and plants. The botanical garden in BA provides a collection of flowers and plants – which is the standard feature – but also a series of sculptures. Most of the sculptures are copies of classic artwork, but here copied by Argentinian artists, similar to what can be found around Europe where collections of cast plaster copies of statues are found. The day I visited…

  • City,  Culture

    4 seconds

    Have you ever wondered what will happen in you life in the next 4 seconds? I have often evaluated what will happen – or more often what would I like to happen – to me within the next 1/2 year or so. But honestly the next few seconds, between rarely and never had I thought what will I be then… Saturday 2022-07-16 I was at an Redbull Cliff dive event. Young men jumps of the roof of the Royal Danish Opera into Copenhagen harbor – 27 meters below – women climb 5 meter down before jumping. According to the information the male jumpers spend a little more than 3 seconds…

  • Architecture,  City,  Culture,  Photo


    You have probably heard about Elsinore, but not as a town with an interesting old town with funny small details to enjoy. Most know the city from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but the other is absolutely worth to spend time on – if you happen to visit the city and want to see something other than the castle.

  • Architecture,  City

    A newer part of Copenhagen

    Copenhagen have been expanding with new areas over the last 20-30 years. Such an area is of course the harbor that was being needed less and less after gods moved from smaller ships to large container ships. So old warehouses and industrial building have been removed and replaced with accommodation for new citizens. I took a walk on a beautiful sunny spring Saturday to have a look. The part I visited was the southern part of the harbor (Sydhavnen) where new islets have been build with houses placed neighboring the canals, so the bottom flats have direct access to the water – just a few steps down. On the eastern…

  • City,  Landscape

    Winter in Denmark

    Danish weather is not know for it’s stability nor for it’s predictability, so no time to wonder when you experience the whole lifecycle off a season within 4 days. Friday December 10 2021 started out cold, below 0 degrees Celsius, and in the afternoon it began to snow. Saturday I was away and could not capture images of the snow lying in the garden. But Sunday December 12 temperatures was more than 0 degrees Celsius, making every branch, roof and lawn utterly wet. Monday December 13 it’s was like winter was over, not at trace of the snow. Just plain grey clouds providing a carpet of light rain and darkness.

  • Elbphilharmonie
    City,  Germany


    t’s the nearest big city to my home in outskirts of Copenhagen. It takes around 4 hours to drive there, so for a short vacation or long week-end it’s doable. Even though Hamburg was blasted to smetherines during the WWII it has been rebuilt, and historical part have not just be rebuild with 1950-60-70 architecture, but have reinstated the former architecture, an example of this can be seen in Speicherstadt (ware house quarter). But Hamburg was not only being rebuild, it was also being expanded with new buildings and it is still under construction. To experience the city I recommend to get the Hamburg Card. I provides access to all…

  • City,  Landscape

    Can I take photos with an iPhone

    Normally I mostly use my phone camera to copy paper documents or taking a photo to document an issue I need to remember, I do rarely think of my phone photos as part of a creative process. I don’t fell I’m in control of the photos. I can’t find how to easily switch to manual mode, the ergonomics of the phone is ridiculous compared to my cameras, optics sucks so most of the time I don’t take what I consider as photos with it. But on rare occasion I come to a motive that I just need to capture, even if I don’t have my camera at hand. Saturday July…

  • City,  Nature

    Squirrel in the rain

    Today I have been working in my home office 10 months and 1 day, so I have settled some routines for the day. First thing in the morning is to get in some fresh air and have a look outside into the garden behind the house. Today I was surprised to hear a rather loud scratching noise. It was easy to locate it to one of the fence poles, and in the dark I could see the squirrel. I sneaked back in to the basement to get my camera, first I mounted the 150-600 mm lens, then I pointed it out from of the window. Got a few shots (f/6,…

  • City,  Politics

    Fireworks, is it beautiful?

    When I was a kid and young I was fascinated by fireworks, it was a thrill to light the fuse and wait for the ignition. No matter if it was a rocket or a fountain, it was a thrill! (firecrackers was banned in Denmark in the early 70’s due to inflicted damages). My father ran a shop where he’d sell fireworks during the last 2 weeks before new years eve, being thrilled by firing it of I assisted with packing and selling the fireworks, expecting it to pay off on new years evening. It did, many years I had a big bag of stuff to fire off. Most of it…

  • Art,  City,  Culture

    Black and White from Copenhagen

    From time to time I chose to convert images from the usual color to B&W, think it brings out other aspects of the image. If I’m experiencing a dull light – e.g. full grey overcast – conversion to B&W can improve the image. Here is a couple of examples that was not taken under a grey sky, but with an almost bright blue sky, still think it provides some additional – but have a look on both these examples and the one from a few days back in full color.

  • Art,  City

    Copenhagen on Christmas Morning

    The weather forecast for Christmas day was bright blue sky with sun, so my wife and I decided for an early morning tour through Copenhagen. We started out more than half an hour before sunrise (it’s not as early as it sounds) to take pictures of the newly installed artwork on the pier next to the Royal Theater at Ofelia Beach. We continued through the city and had a couple of hour enjoying the city in the early morning light, you can se a few of my images from the morning trip.

  • City,  Covid-19,  Photo,  Street

    Copenhagen during lock down

    I got the urge to document how Copenhagen look like when the city is in the state of lock down. So one morning I got up early, and went into the city centre to get some photographic evidence of the state of Denmark. Of course with the thought of sharing my experience with you. So here is a small collection from my morning in the city. It was Saturday 28th of March 2020, pictures are taken between 7:30 and 9:30. On a normal Saturday my pictures would have been full of people going to work, people opening stores, people going home after a night in the city. I do not…

  • City,  Street

    Hanoi in the Rain

    When someone mentions Hanoi, you probably think of a busy, noisy and hot city. But it can be different. I was in Hanoi in January 2020, around the Lunar new year and the 3 parameters above was not in play. First it was only around 15 degrees Celsius and it rained now and then. Second almost everybody seemed to be staying at home, so the streets where not crowded and packed with honking motorbikes. Early in the day people were actually walking on the streets, showing of their finest clothes for new year. In the afternoon it was as if the city was slowly waking a little, and a few…

  • City,  Photo

    Copenhagen at Midsummers Morning

    I took a stroll through Copenhagen harbour on Midsummers morning, just before the city woke. It’s a special experience to see the city with no – or rather very few – people. And when the weather shows it’s best side, sun, no clouds and no wind then you can get some amazing photos. I’ve just picked a few from the bunch I made this morning. The presentation of the images follow my walk, from Nyhavn (New Harbour – it’s actually the oldest part of the harbour today) to Christiansborg (the Parliament) and back, just a little more than 2.4 Km

  • City,  Photo

    Copenhagen Springtime

    Just some shots from Copenhagen in early days of April 2019. Cherry trees are also blossoming and of course it is like a block buster. Crowds of people flock to the churchyard with the cherry alley, so it can be hard to get a shot of the trees or the flowers. If you want a clear shot, come before 7 AM on a week day. But it’s nice to have sun and warmth coming back after the winter.

  • City,  Landscape,  Nature

    Bilkirkegården i Ryd

    Pinselørdag tog vi på en ekspedition til Småland, ikke for at se på Emil eller Lönneberg, men for at se på bilvrag der er ved at ruste op i en gammel tørvemose. Hovedformålet med turen var at fotografere bilerne, for når der er løv på træerne og lidt sollys er der mulighed for at lave nogle rigtigt flotte fotos. Pinselørdag så iflg. vejrudsigten ud til at blive den eneste dag i weekenden hvor alle forudsætningerne kunne opfyldes, så kursen blev sat. Der er 233 km til Ryd fra Lyngby, ruten over Kristianstad byder på stort set samtlige vej typer, motorvej, motortrafikvej, landevej, bivej, byvej og gader. Så der er rig…

  • City

    Nu er det vinter

    Kalenderen siger at nu er vinteren begyndt, mandag morgen skal der vinterdæk på kareten, det har været småkoldt i flere uger. Alt sammen nogenlunde forventeligt og tildels acceptabelt, men at man lige uden for sin altandør skal finde håndgribelige beviser på vinterens komme er træls. Men her er sæsonnes første høst af istapper… Nå, det var irriterende lørdag, men søndag var det langt værre. Som det fremgår af det andet billede.

  • City

    Godt nytår

    Jeg startede fotoåret med f/8, ISO 100 og 2 sek fra altanen.Ambitionen var såmænd at tage fotos af nytårets 320 mio kr. dyre fyrværkeri. Indstillingerne viste sig at medføre udtværing af fyrværkeriet, sikkert på grund at den forholdsvis kraftige vind. Derfor reducerede jeg belysningen til 1 sek og senere 0,5 sek, som er tiderne for billederne i galleriet.

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