
  • Nature

    Black Berry II

    Almost 2 months ago I posted some images of bees working on the flowers on my black berry bush, hoping that the bees work would result in fine berries. It has, during the the in between time I have seen berries grow and go from green to red to the fine ripe black berries. As you can see the bush is now under a net, because I’m not the only one enjoining the berries, the birds are also. But right now I’m not sharing, maybe the birds will get some winter food in return.

  • Nature

    Fallow deer in Dyrehaven

    In the evening at the last day of July I went to Jægersborg Dyrehave, north of Copenhagen, hoping to meet some deer. The area hosts more than 2.000 deer of 3 different species. This evening most of them seemed to be seeking for hideouts, so we only spotted a few Fallow deer and some birds. Here is a few of the animals I met.

  • Covid-19,  Nature

    Black Berry

    I live in a terraced-house (in US a town house, in UK a terraced house, in New England row-house) and by this follows that we only have a small piece of land (240 square meters in total), so no large orchard or flowerbeds, but even a small garden can provide you with pleasures. I love to go out in the garden and see that even though we are in a city area you find wild life and nature right in front of you eyes – and of course camera lens. Our garden is small, but even so it is split into 2, one in front of the house and one…

  • Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    Faxe Limestone Quarry

    Almost 80 km from Copenhagen is a small town – Fakse (sometimes Faxe) – situated on top of a limestone quarry. I’ll not state that the town itself is worth the 45 minutes drive from Copenhagen, it looks like any other small town. But as limestone quarries are very few in Denmark it seemed like a must-go-there-sometime item to me. So when the first week-end of May 2020 seemed to provide som fair weather and my wife and I thought that we have seen our home enough during Covid-19 lock-down we went on tour. Geologist have traced the area 63 Mio years back in time. A time where it was…

  • City,  Covid-19,  Photo,  Street

    Copenhagen during lock down

    I got the urge to document how Copenhagen look like when the city is in the state of lock down. So one morning I got up early, and went into the city centre to get some photographic evidence of the state of Denmark. Of course with the thought of sharing my experience with you. So here is a small collection from my morning in the city. It was Saturday 28th of March 2020, pictures are taken between 7:30 and 9:30. On a normal Saturday my pictures would have been full of people going to work, people opening stores, people going home after a night in the city. I do not…

  • City,  Street

    Hanoi in the Rain

    When someone mentions Hanoi, you probably think of a busy, noisy and hot city. But it can be different. I was in Hanoi in January 2020, around the Lunar new year and the 3 parameters above was not in play. First it was only around 15 degrees Celsius and it rained now and then. Second almost everybody seemed to be staying at home, so the streets where not crowded and packed with honking motorbikes. Early in the day people were actually walking on the streets, showing of their finest clothes for new year. In the afternoon it was as if the city was slowly waking a little, and a few…

  • Culture,  Denmark,  Landscape,  Photo,  Travel

    December Light…

    I’m not a fan of winter in the Nordic countries, temperatures will be dropping from comfortable to freezing and light seems to disappear. Currently sun will rise around 8:30 and go down again around 15:30, it should provide 7 hours of daylight. But the last 3-4 weeks the weather has not been helping the access to daylight, it has been heavy overcast and rain full, removing even more of the precious daylight (not full fairness to the weather, as there have been 2-3 days with actual sun light for some hours). I’m longing back to midsummer where there will be 17½ hours of daylight :-). To show the difference I…

  • City,  Photo

    Copenhagen at Midsummers Morning

    I took a stroll through Copenhagen harbour on Midsummers morning, just before the city woke. It’s a special experience to see the city with no – or rather very few – people. And when the weather shows it’s best side, sun, no clouds and no wind then you can get some amazing photos. I’ve just picked a few from the bunch I made this morning. The presentation of the images follow my walk, from Nyhavn (New Harbour – it’s actually the oldest part of the harbour today) to Christiansborg (the Parliament) and back, just a little more than 2.4 Km

  • City,  Photo

    Copenhagen Springtime

    Just some shots from Copenhagen in early days of April 2019. Cherry trees are also blossoming and of course it is like a block buster. Crowds of people flock to the churchyard with the cherry alley, so it can be hard to get a shot of the trees or the flowers. If you want a clear shot, come before 7 AM on a week day. But it’s nice to have sun and warmth coming back after the winter.

  • Photo,  Street

    Litter in Copenhagen

    When you are visiting a city, either your home town or some foreign city you probably at some point in time want to enjoy a drink or snack, some body also take a smoke. What do you do with the packaging or leftovers? Off course, you take it to the nearest garbage bin, because you like to walk around in a clean environment. Well, apparently not all share your preference for a clean city. I strolled through Copenhagen a few hours on a Saturday afternoon, instead of looking on the historical buildings, people in the streets or shop windows I focused on the litter. I took some photos of the…

  • Landscape

    Spring is Here

    One of the last days of April My wife and I went to Museum of Modern Art Louisiana. We saw pottery made by Picasso, quite interesting what he could do to ordinary pottery. However I did not take pictures in the exhibition, but later in the park I got some shots of the emerging springtime. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 

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  • Nature

    An evening in Jægersborg Dyrehave

    My wife and I spent the last hour before sunset and half an hour after by walking through the forest Jægersborg Dyrehave. The spring is evolving before our eyes, the leaves has appeared on some trees and are just about to do on the remaining trees, the deers has lost their antlers and are getting rid of the winter fur – they look a little shabby. As long as the sun i present temperature is comfortable, but when it’s gone temperature drops to less pleasant levels. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 

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  • Nature

    Windy Day at the Beach

    During easter I visited my family in the northern Jutland, Good Friday I went to the beach. First type just after sunrise and second time in the early afternoon. The light was fine with blue sky on both occasions, but the wind was high, reducing comfort to a minimum. But I could bring home a few photos. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

  • Nature

    Jægersborg dyrehave

    En tur i Jægersborg dyrehave er nem måde at komme ud i naturen, uden at skulle køre langt væk fra byen. Der er ofte mulighed for at opleve hjorte – der er flere arter i området – denne søndag mødte vi dog kun Sika hjorte. Alle billederne i galleriet er taget med Nikon D7200 og Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8 ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

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  • Landscape

    Tegners Skulturpark in Russia

    I have on earlier occasions been to Rudolph Tegners Skulpturpark in north Zeeland, the area is actually called Russia. On all the other occasions it has been bright day light, and nice temperatures. But spontaneously I got the idea that it could be nice with pictures taken just before sun rise. So I went there in the early winter morning, fighting against icy roads. But I got a series of photos that is what I wanted.

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  • Nature

    Eremitage sletten

    A few kilometers north of Copenhagen you find the area Eremitage sletten as a part of Dyrehaven. Even though it is near the city, and actually surrounded by cities it appears like a wild habitat more than a park, except for the part with the paths for riding and walking and the golf course. I needed to practice my skills on the long lens before going on my winter trip, so when I saw the beautiful winter sun from an almost clear sky it was not a hard choice to drive the 3 km to combine a 5 km walk with the photo training. Luckily there was some good motives…

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  • Landscape

    Cold Autumn Morning at the Beach

    I went to the Bellevue beach north of Copenhagen to watch the sun rise. I had to spend 5-10 minutes to clear ice of the car before I could go, so a bit chilly. I was at the beach half an hour before sun rise and stayed there 10 minutes after. Then I went to Taarbæk harbor to get some pictures with reflections in the quiet water, at the winds were very low. Even though the sun rose into heavy clouds in the south-eastern part of the sky the light was very nice.

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  • Nature

    A Walk Along the Beach

    During my summervacation i went for a short walk along the beach in nothern Jutland. The weather had improved dramatically since yesterday, it wasn’t raining today 🙂 So it was safe to bring out the camera for at few shots of the beach. If you want to experience this particular beach yourself you can easily find it by following the Rugholm rev near Strandby.

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  • Landscape

    Before sunrise

    I have for years been thinking of a photo. I have been knowing how to take and when on the day, just before sunrise. As you might know most of the year the sun comes up pretty early in Denmark. And during week-ends I do not tend to be an early riser, and I like my week-end mornings with breakfast, coffee and the paper. So the photo has been kept a thought. But this month my wife is travelling in South America – leaving me home to go to the office at weekdays. So the week-end mornings are not the same and today the sun rose at 8:36. So Today…

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  • City,  Landscape,  Nature

    Bilkirkegården i Ryd

    Pinselørdag tog vi på en ekspedition til Småland, ikke for at se på Emil eller Lönneberg, men for at se på bilvrag der er ved at ruste op i en gammel tørvemose. Hovedformålet med turen var at fotografere bilerne, for når der er løv på træerne og lidt sollys er der mulighed for at lave nogle rigtigt flotte fotos. Pinselørdag så iflg. vejrudsigten ud til at blive den eneste dag i weekenden hvor alle forudsætningerne kunne opfyldes, så kursen blev sat. Der er 233 km til Ryd fra Lyngby, ruten over Kristianstad byder på stort set samtlige vej typer, motorvej, motortrafikvej, landevej, bivej, byvej og gader. Så der er rig…

  • Technic

    Dybdeskarphed og blænde

    Når jeg læser på diverse fotosites ser jeg tit spørgsmål om sammenhængen mellem billedets dybdeskarphed og blænde. Der findes mange gode forsøg på at forklare sammenhængen. Jeg har for en gangs skyld valgt at spare på ordene og istedet lavet en lille illustration af sammenhængen.

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  • City

    Nu er det vinter

    Kalenderen siger at nu er vinteren begyndt, mandag morgen skal der vinterdæk på kareten, det har været småkoldt i flere uger. Alt sammen nogenlunde forventeligt og tildels acceptabelt, men at man lige uden for sin altandør skal finde håndgribelige beviser på vinterens komme er træls. Men her er sæsonnes første høst af istapper… Nå, det var irriterende lørdag, men søndag var det langt værre. Som det fremgår af det andet billede.

  • Nature

    Nu er det ‘Sommer’ ved Lyngby Sø

    Kalenderen har sagt sommer nogle dage, men ligefrem sommerligt synes jeg ikke det var da jeg gik en tur langs Lyngby sø. Men jeg tog lige en serie billeder af fuglelivet ved søen. Fuglene bekræfter at det må være sommer, for gæslingerne var vokset til anseelig størrelse og der var udklækket ællinger.Desværre observerede jeg en hættemåge med et blink i det ene ben. Selvom det sikkert er besværligt – og muligvis smertefuldt – så den ud til at klare sig endnu. Nu ved jeg selvfølgelig ikke om den har været uheldig og er faldet over en fiskers efterladenskaber eller om den selv dumdristigt har forsøgt at fange blinket. Men trist…

  • Nature

    Når svalerne drikker

    Pinsesøndag blev benyttet til en udflugt til Fuglsang kunstmuseum og herregård. Museet må der ikke fotograferes på, så der spares alle for mine optagelser af det. Men det skal siges at det er et ganske pænt museum, det er ikke omfangsrig monumentalt som SMK og Aros, men i en størrelse hvor vi kunne se alt det udstillede i roligt tempo på godt en times tid. Den faste samling oplyser museet dækker tiden fra slutningen af 1700, ophængningen pt. fokuserer på dansk maleri fra ca. 1850 og vel omkring 130 år frem. For mig (os) bød det både på gensyn med malere og værker, samt nye oplevelser. Særudstillingen horisonter gav bud…

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