
  • Argentina,  Art,  City,  Streetart

    Street art in Buenos Aires

    Traveled to Argentina in November 2022 among other to experience another tour around to see street art in Buenos Aires. Street art is every where in the city, of course more in some areas than others. Some of the time we just watched it while walking along the streets. But we also went on an official tour with BA Street Art They are active in getting more official recognition to the street art and in commissioning pieces to more walls in the city.

  • Argentina,  Photo,  Travel,  Wildlife

    Sea lions and Elephants

    Peninsula Valdes will provide you with a whole plethora of animals to watch – variations along the year on species and locations occurs. In November it seems like everybody are in place. From Puerto Piramides you have easy access to the roads on the peninsula, however it’s primarily gravel roads so driving slowly is mandatory both for comfort and safety. Some animals can actually be reached by foot from Piramides as there are Sea lion colonies just a few kilometers south west of the city. The water around the colony at Punta Piramides was crystal clear when I visited. Allowing to see the Sea lions and birds both above and…

  • Ducks on the beach
    Argentina,  Photo,  Travel,  Wildlife

    Birds on Peninsula Valdes

    Birds are found every where, some are very similar all over the world. Think you can find the house sparrow at any place on the globe, but other species are specific to the local area. Visiting Peninsula Valdes has given me the opportunity to see birds that I’m not familiar with. A new bird to me was the Southern Giant Petrel. A rather big bird that seems to be liberal about what to eat. At fist glance i was convinced that i had spotted a Laurus Marinus or Great Black bag gull, but the Kelp gull living on the southern hemisphere looks very similar, but it is a different specie.…

  • Argentina,  Nature

    Whale watching

    To me whales have always been exotic animals, I cannot reach the and see them during my daily life. Sometimes with a good portion of luck I can see their smaller cousins the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Danish coastal waters, but bigger whales are very rarely visitors to Danish sea. So getting to a place like Peninsula Valdes where real big whales sometimes can be spotted from the coast or from a boat is amazing. So we got us places on a boat that could take us out into the Golfo Nuevo, where female and cubs of the Southern Right Whale should be spending the late spring in November.…

  • Argentina,  Nature,  Photo,  Travel,  Wildlife

    Peninsula Valdez, walking along the beach

    My trip to Argentina have taken me to Peninsula Valdez, which is located at the Atlantic coast of Argentina around 42 degrees south and 64 degrees west of Greenwich. So in the middle of November the time of year is at late spring. This means weather can be a little cold but also nice & warm and rather hot, in our 4 days at the peninsula we experienced all. The main attraction for Peninsula Valdez is it’s wildlife and especially the whales. I took a stroll along the beach on the first morning. Starting out about high tide, where everything was covered with water, and the beach was narrow –…

  • Argentina,  Art,  City

    Buenos Aires – Jardin Botánico Carlos Thays

    When visiting big cities you from time to time might need a break from all the noise and crowds. Parks are often such a place you’ll need, here I have found a suggestion for a little quiet moment that also provides entertainment if you like sculptures and plants. The botanical garden in BA provides a collection of flowers and plants – which is the standard feature – but also a series of sculptures. Most of the sculptures are copies of classic artwork, but here copied by Argentinian artists, similar to what can be found around Europe where collections of cast plaster copies of statues are found. The day I visited…

  • Argentina

    Iberá National Park

    The Iberá national park has, in my view, an overwhelming size. With it’s 13.000 km2 size it is almost a third of the size of Denmark. It is often described as wetland, and this with good reason. The area provides home for many species of animals specialized for living on the edge between wet and dry. So if you want to see the many birds and other animals living in this way it is a good opportunity. When you search for ways to visit the park you will most likely meet the entrance at Col. Carlos Pellegrini. According to my research in November 2017 it will include difficulties to find…

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  • Argentina


    I presume that you are aware of Argentina as a wine producing country. But most I have talked with about Argentine wine seems to think that 90%++ of it is Red Malbec from Mendoza. OK Mendoza is responsible for more than 70% of the Argentine wine production and a large amount of it is based on the signature grape Malbec. But that said many other grapes are grown in Argentina. The wine culture in Argentina do not seek after mature wines, they either prefer the wine young or maybe it’s just that young wine is cheaper than mature. When shopping for wine in Argentina you will have a hard time…

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  • Argentina

    Eating in Argentina

    Argentinean food is influenced from both the courses and habits brought to the country by immigrants and by the native population and the resources of the land. Italians was a large portion of the immigrants during 19th and 20th century and by so they have influenced the Argentinean cuisine by bringing pizza, pasta and ice cream. Like every other place in South and Middle America you meet the empanada which is the most widespread local course. Resources of the land have contributed with especially ox meat. In the north western parts you will also find use of corn and quinoa. In other part of the world I have found that…

  • Argentina


    The roads in Argentina are not always a pleasant experience. Of course there are good roads, like the Ruta National #9 or also known as the Pan American Highway. But even the nine has it’s lesser pleasant places. Narrow roads is to be expected, the RN9 runs between Salta and Jujuy in to versions, a new and an old. The old is 4 meters wide and on long streches through the mountains curve comes after curve. Bumpiness can either be result of cracked tarmac or ordinary gravel. Rain handling systems causes the road to be lowered on short distances, like 10 meters. This is caused by estabishment of some rock…

  • Argentina


    Argentina is the first country I have visited on the American continents. As a European I have found Buenos Aires not to be very different from a southern European capital. But there are differences to BA and when you leave the capital they are more outspoken. The country is very large, actual the 8th largest in the world. So don’t expect that you can do it in a fortnight or a month. Set aside 2-3 months to go properly. My first trip has been to Buenos Aires and the northern parts – both east and west. Argentina is not like Europe. If I ruin a tire on my car at…

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