
  • Elbphilharmonie
    City,  Germany


    t’s the nearest big city to my home in outskirts of Copenhagen. It takes around 4 hours to drive there, so for a short vacation or long week-end it’s doable. Even though Hamburg was blasted to smetherines during the WWII it has been rebuilt, and historical part have not just be rebuild with 1950-60-70 architecture, but have reinstated the former architecture, an example of this can be seen in Speicherstadt (ware house quarter). But Hamburg was not only being rebuild, it was also being expanded with new buildings and it is still under construction. To experience the city I recommend to get the Hamburg Card. I provides access to all…

  • Germany,  Streetart


    Even though the wall came down more than 28 years ago, it is still very present in the mind of Berlin and Berliners. In my opinion the memory of the wall and the terrifying regime need to be kept, because we need to secure that no country in Europe go onto that route regarding personal freedom, freedom of speech, justice for all. So when you visit Berlin you will experience a lot of evidence from the 28 year long imprisonment of the East Germans. Of course you’ll still find the original venues that came to life just after the wall was down. Check point Charlie Checkpoint Charlie Museum The Wall…

  • Germany


    I have visited this central European country on several occasions, but in the most recent 20 years I have only been to Berlin and Hamburg. With it’s proximity to Denmark it is an easy country to visit. First of all I can drive from home to Hamburg in 4 hours and Berlin in 6.30, so no problem to go there for just a week-end. Second I speak a little German and many Germans speaks English. Unfortunately the weather is almost as boring as at home. For a Dane going to Germany there is always the possibility to stop at the border shops, and bring home cheap beer, chips, chocolate etc.…

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