Asian inspired dish with prawn
As I’m going to Asia in the near future I would like to prepare my taste and digestion system to Asian cooking (not that they have been unaccustomed to Asian food). So during the day I made up a recipe that I’m quite sure has no specific root in one single Asian kitchen, but inspiration is within Asia. Chili I know from Thailand, but not from Myanmar, and on the other side turmeric I have met in Myanmar but not in Thailand. However to me both are Asian spices, so here we go with a mixture of kitchens.

- 4 cloves of garlic
- 3 cm ginger
- 2 sweet chilies
- 1/2 strong chili (Habanero was used)
- 2 table spoon Turmeric
- 2 table spoon fish-sauce
- 3 mid-sized onions
- 3 mid-sized carrots
- 4 mid-sized potatoes
- 2 parsnips
- 1 Broccoli
- 150 g white cabbage
- 250 g mushroom
- 4-5 mid-sized tomatoes
- 2 cans of coconut milk (450 ml)
- 2-300 ml water
- 300 – 400 g prawns
- Oil
- Salt & pepper
Chop garlic, ginger, chili thoroughly. Slice carrots, parsnips and potatoes in long rods 3 mm thick. Slice the cabbage fine. Cut tomatoes and mushrooms in quarters. Slice the stick from broccoli like the other vegetables and divide the bouquets to nice eatable sizes.
Fry garlic, onion, ginger and chili gently in the oil. Add potatoes and fry for another 3-5 minutes. Add the other vegetables one by one (start with carrots) and fry for 1-2 minutes in between. Add tomatoes, turmeric, fish-sauce and coconut milk. Adjust with water so the vegetables is almost covered. Boil until the potatoes is almost cooked, then add the prawns and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Set the taste with salt, fish-sauce and pepper.
Serve it as it is or with rice.