• Italy


    When you fly to northern Italy from Denmark Milan is the destination with the most flights and best prices, so as a Dane you are likely to start the journey in Milan. i did, and stayed in the city for a couple of days.  First day we went to the city center to look at the standard tourist places – like the Cathedral, Shooping center Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. The next day we had had enough of tourists and tried to go other places than most tourists do. So we headed out to the vertical forest as the 2 high-rise buildings are called (Bosco Verticale in Italien), amazing how some…

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  • Italy


    I have traveled to Rome on 2 occasions, but have not documented the city and have not prepared to share my thoughts and experiences from it. But in 2018 I went to Tuscany and other parts of the northern Italy and will share those sites.

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  • About the site


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  • Germany,  Streetart


    Even though the wall came down more than 28 years ago, it is still very present in the mind of Berlin and Berliners. In my opinion the memory of the wall and the terrifying regime need to be kept, because we need to secure that no country in Europe go onto that route regarding personal freedom, freedom of speech, justice for all. So when you visit Berlin you will experience a lot of evidence from the 28 year long imprisonment of the East Germans. Of course you’ll still find the original venues that came to life just after the wall was down. Check point Charlie Checkpoint Charlie Museum The Wall…

  • Germany


    I have visited this central European country on several occasions, but in the most recent 20 years I have only been to Berlin and Hamburg. With it’s proximity to Denmark it is an easy country to visit. First of all I can drive from home to Hamburg in 4 hours and Berlin in 6.30, so no problem to go there for just a week-end. Second I speak a little German and many Germans speaks English. Unfortunately the weather is almost as boring as at home. For a Dane going to Germany there is always the possibility to stop at the border shops, and bring home cheap beer, chips, chocolate etc.…

  • Landscape

    Spring is Here

    One of the last days of April My wife and I went to Museum of Modern Art Louisiana. We saw pottery made by Picasso, quite interesting what he could do to ordinary pottery. However I did not take pictures in the exhibition, but later in the park I got some shots of the emerging springtime. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 

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  • Nature

    An evening in Jægersborg Dyrehave

    My wife and I spent the last hour before sunset and half an hour after by walking through the forest Jægersborg Dyrehave. The spring is evolving before our eyes, the leaves has appeared on some trees and are just about to do on the remaining trees, the deers has lost their antlers and are getting rid of the winter fur – they look a little shabby. As long as the sun i present temperature is comfortable, but when it’s gone temperature drops to less pleasant levels. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 

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  • Nature

    Windy Day at the Beach

    During easter I visited my family in the northern Jutland, Good Friday I went to the beach. First type just after sunrise and second time in the early afternoon. The light was fine with blue sky on both occasions, but the wind was high, reducing comfort to a minimum. But I could bring home a few photos. ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

  • Nature

    Jægersborg dyrehave

    En tur i Jægersborg dyrehave er nem måde at komme ud i naturen, uden at skulle køre langt væk fra byen. Der er ofte mulighed for at opleve hjorte – der er flere arter i området – denne søndag mødte vi dog kun Sika hjorte. Alle billederne i galleriet er taget med Nikon D7200 og Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8 ” order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

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  • Argentina

    Iberá National Park

    The Iberá national park has, in my view, an overwhelming size. With it’s 13.000 km2 size it is almost a third of the size of Denmark. It is often described as wetland, and this with good reason. The area provides home for many species of animals specialized for living on the edge between wet and dry. So if you want to see the many birds and other animals living in this way it is a good opportunity. When you search for ways to visit the park you will most likely meet the entrance at Col. Carlos Pellegrini. According to my research in November 2017 it will include difficulties to find…

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  • Argentina


    I presume that you are aware of Argentina as a wine producing country. But most I have talked with about Argentine wine seems to think that 90%++ of it is Red Malbec from Mendoza. OK Mendoza is responsible for more than 70% of the Argentine wine production and a large amount of it is based on the signature grape Malbec. But that said many other grapes are grown in Argentina. The wine culture in Argentina do not seek after mature wines, they either prefer the wine young or maybe it’s just that young wine is cheaper than mature. When shopping for wine in Argentina you will have a hard time…

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  • Argentina

    Eating in Argentina

    Argentinean food is influenced from both the courses and habits brought to the country by immigrants and by the native population and the resources of the land. Italians was a large portion of the immigrants during 19th and 20th century and by so they have influenced the Argentinean cuisine by bringing pizza, pasta and ice cream. Like every other place in South and Middle America you meet the empanada which is the most widespread local course. Resources of the land have contributed with especially ox meat. In the north western parts you will also find use of corn and quinoa. In other part of the world I have found that…

  • Argentina


    The roads in Argentina are not always a pleasant experience. Of course there are good roads, like the Ruta National #9 or also known as the Pan American Highway. But even the nine has it’s lesser pleasant places. Narrow roads is to be expected, the RN9 runs between Salta and Jujuy in to versions, a new and an old. The old is 4 meters wide and on long streches through the mountains curve comes after curve. Bumpiness can either be result of cracked tarmac or ordinary gravel. Rain handling systems causes the road to be lowered on short distances, like 10 meters. This is caused by estabishment of some rock…

  • Argentina


    Argentina is the first country I have visited on the American continents. As a European I have found Buenos Aires not to be very different from a southern European capital. But there are differences to BA and when you leave the capital they are more outspoken. The country is very large, actual the 8th largest in the world. So don’t expect that you can do it in a fortnight or a month. Set aside 2-3 months to go properly. My first trip has been to Buenos Aires and the northern parts – both east and west. Argentina is not like Europe. If I ruin a tire on my car at…

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  • Landscape

    Tegners Skulturpark in Russia

    I have on earlier occasions been to Rudolph Tegners Skulpturpark in north Zeeland, the area is actually called Russia. On all the other occasions it has been bright day light, and nice temperatures. But spontaneously I got the idea that it could be nice with pictures taken just before sun rise. So I went there in the early winter morning, fighting against icy roads. But I got a series of photos that is what I wanted.

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  • Nature

    Eremitage sletten

    A few kilometers north of Copenhagen you find the area Eremitage sletten as a part of Dyrehaven. Even though it is near the city, and actually surrounded by cities it appears like a wild habitat more than a park, except for the part with the paths for riding and walking and the golf course. I needed to practice my skills on the long lens before going on my winter trip, so when I saw the beautiful winter sun from an almost clear sky it was not a hard choice to drive the 3 km to combine a 5 km walk with the photo training. Luckily there was some good motives…

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  • Landscape

    Cold Autumn Morning at the Beach

    I went to the Bellevue beach north of Copenhagen to watch the sun rise. I had to spend 5-10 minutes to clear ice of the car before I could go, so a bit chilly. I was at the beach half an hour before sun rise and stayed there 10 minutes after. Then I went to Taarbæk harbor to get some pictures with reflections in the quiet water, at the winds were very low. Even though the sun rose into heavy clouds in the south-eastern part of the sky the light was very nice.

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  • Cambodia

    Phnon Pehn

    The Cambodian capital Phnom Pehn is typical buzzing city in asia, with a lot to do and experience. The city is centered around the intersection of the 3 rivers Mekong, Bassac and Tonlé Sap. Of course Phnom Pehn is similar to other Asian cities, but even though it’s small compared to e.g. Bangkok and Yangon you find some of the same dynamics as you find in Bangkok. The city has it’s old parts with traditional markets and small houses, but Phnom Pehn is experiencing development and a lot of new buildings has been or are under construction, just like the 2 mentioned before. In my opinion you can easily spend…

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  • Cambodia


    Banlung is a small dusty town in the north-east of Cambocia, close to both the border to Laos and Vietnam. To get to Banlung you’ll need to take either a minivan or a taxi. I chose the minivan from Stung Treng, but you find minivans for Banlung in both Kratie and Phnom Phem. Banlung is not equipped with large cultural heritage, but the nature will provide some delightful experiences. To go there I will recommend to hire either a car or a tuktuk, though the nearest sights can be reached on bike. To hire a tuktuk with a guide, I would go to the corner of 64st and 27st (close…

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  • Politics


    Back in 1987 the UN Brundtland commission – headed by Norway’s former prime minister Gro Harlem Brundland – released the report  “Our Common Future”. To me as a young man it revealed a series of connections within the climate system, the ecological system and the political system – it also contained some views on the economic system, but in the late eighties I had just finished a Bachelor at Copenhagen Business School so that part  I presumed to have at least more than a basic knowledge about. I did certainly not consider the report as fake news or fake science. On the contrary I was worried about the sceneries outlined…

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  • Norway

    The road from Kristiansand to Stavanger

    The road from Kristiansand to Stavanger can either be taken on the high way E39 or you can take a detour along the Atlantic coast. The length of the drive measured in kilometers are not significant but the road along the coast will in pure driving time cost you an extra hour. It’s 257 Km and is expected to take 4 hours and 15 min to drive. But why just drive, experience the Norwegian landscape along the route. Allow yourself short stops to briefly enjoy the views and the landscapes – for my part comming from a lowland country it’s a dramatic change from home – as it presents quite…

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  • Sweden

    Saab Museum

    You might be familiar with the Swedish company Saab (Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget) which for years produced cars with the same name as the company. During my childhood the cars was often ridiculed, especially on behalf of the earlier models popping noise from the two stroke engine. But the jokes overlooked the fact that Saab often were an innovative car producer and an early adapter of new technologies and features in the cars. During my 2017 summer vacation I visited Trollhättan – mostly for the waterfalls – but as it was the home town of Saab it still has a fine museum for the Saab cars. I spent an hour visit…

  • Sweden


    Sweden is the country i have traveled the most times to. Most of the occasions has been single day trips to Malmö or Göteborg, but for some occasions I have visited Sweden for several days. Travel in Sweden is easy to me as I understand and speak Swedish.

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  • Nature

    A Walk Along the Beach

    During my summervacation i went for a short walk along the beach in nothern Jutland. The weather had improved dramatically since yesterday, it wasn’t raining today 🙂 So it was safe to bring out the camera for at few shots of the beach. If you want to experience this particular beach yourself you can easily find it by following the Rugholm rev near Strandby.

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  • Cambodia


    Kep is both a municipal and a province on the south coast of Cambodia close to the Vietnamese border – my phone went to Vietnamese networks on several occasions while we stayed there. To go to Kep you can get a mini van from Phnom Pehn, and 4 hours later your in Kep. Our trip with a mini van were nice, the van was not new but most features seemed to be working – OK the air-con stopped after a couple of hours, but it wasn’t that hot – we were only 3 passengers being picked up in the city. A fourth passenger were picked up around the air-port, but…

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  • Cambodia

    Prasat Preah Vihear

    When you are traveling in Cambodia this temple seems to be quite of the straight road to anywhere. To be honest it is a bit remote. But bear in mind that the temple is appointed as UNESCO world heritage, so it has a major place in history for the area, so in my humble opinion it’s worth some effort to go there. To get there we got on board a mini-van in Siem Reap, going towards Stung Treng. Were National Highway 64 meets National Road 62 you find a group of house – it might qualify to be called a village. The mini-van stopped for a break and the driver…

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