• Nature

    En søndag i mellemfornøjet vejr

    Vi skulle jo luftes, og så kunne vi jo også lige lufte kameraerne. Det blev en tur for det meste af eftermiddagen, hvor vi slentrede langs mølleåen mellem stampemøllen og Raadvad og derefter en tur rundt på Erimitagesletten. Vejret var ret varierende fra vindstød der sendte minder om vinteren gennem marv og ben til øjeblikke i læ med dejlig varme. Nedenfor et lille udsnit af dagens optagelser, med tilhørende kommentarer.

  • Nature

    En smule vinter tilbage

    Normalt vil jeg forvente at påske betyder “nu er det forår”. Husstanden havde dog fulgt bulletinerne fra DMI, som havde lovet kulde, men vi havde dog ikke forventet at skulle møde istapper i formiddagens løb. Men som du kan se i billedgalleriet Vinter2012, så fandt vi et par stykker af de kolde stalakit lignende foreteelser under loftet på terrassen. De foregående billeder – af fugle og både – er fra en tid hvor vinteren mere ihærdigt holdt fast om Lyngby sø. Der var stadig drivis i søen, så jeg misundte ikke svaner og ænder at de snuppede en rask dukkert i søgen efter mad på søens bund. Sidste billede er…

  • Nature

    Ferie med pip

    I sommerferien var vi en tur i Vendsyssel, hvor vi besøgte ørnereservatet i Bindslev. Det er en oplagt mulighed for at lege lidt med sit kamera, når der præsenteres store prægtige fugle lige for snuden af en. Det gjorde jeg så, mange billeder blev slet ikke til noget. Lyset var rigtig dårligt og det var svært at holde lukketiderne tilpas hurtige samtidig med at blænde kunne sikre god dybdeskarphed og der kunne bruges et lavt ISO tal. Mange billeder savner derfor dybdeskarphed, andre er præget af bevægelsesslør og nogle få har støj pga. højt ISO. Men jeg mener det er lykkedes at skyde nogle ganske fornuftige billeder alligevel. Sandormen er…

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  • Macro

    Er efteråret startet?

    Da jeg kom ud i haven lørdag formiddag, var det første mit blik faldt på et imponerende edderkoppespind, hvor en ikke mindre imponerende korsedderkop sad mid i spindet og solede sig. Spindet var meget større end dem vi har fundet i haven i ‘sommerens’ løb, så jeg kunne ikke undgå mistanken at edderkoppen mener det er efterår og der er mindre fangst i sigte, så nu skal der sættes store net ud for at fange til dagen og vejen. Da den nu sad der stille og roligt fik jeg lyst til at forevige den, så jeg udstyrede kameraet med 12+20mm extensions tubes og mit 55-200 mm objektiv. Stativ kunne der…

  • Macro

    Lidt macro på altanen

    Jeg har ikke rigtig haft tid og når jeg så har haft det har vejret ikke været sommerligt og indbydende. Resulatet er ihvertfald at kameraet har været ret ubrugt i denne sommer. Som en lille smule kompensation brugte jeg en halv times tid på altanen med at lave nogle næroptagelser af blomsterne og beboerne deri.

  • Technic


    I en ikke så fjern fortid var det helt almideligt at billeder optrådte i sort/hvid. I de trykte medier var det simpelthen et spørgsmål om økonomi, de sort/hvide kostede mindre reproarbejde og der var kun en tur gennem tryk, hvor farve billeder skulle trykkes i fire farver. Teknisk udvikling har efterhånden gjort det økonomisk lige meget om billederne er i farver eller sort hvid, derfor er stort set alle billeder i dagens medier gengivet i fuldt farveomfang. Går vi lidt længere tilbage var også TV og familiens fotoalbum begrænset til sort/hvid. Sort/hvid er i mine øjne en lidt dårlig betegnelse – selvom det trykte jo rent faktisk er netop 100%…

  • City

    Godt nytår

    Jeg startede fotoåret med f/8, ISO 100 og 2 sek fra altanen.Ambitionen var såmænd at tage fotos af nytårets 320 mio kr. dyre fyrværkeri. Indstillingerne viste sig at medføre udtværing af fyrværkeriet, sikkert på grund at den forholdsvis kraftige vind. Derfor reducerede jeg belysningen til 1 sek og senere 0,5 sek, som er tiderne for billederne i galleriet.

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  • Nature


    Nu har jeg gået i et par måneder og nydt at haven kunne passe sig selv. Græsset groede ikke, bladene faldt ned og blæste bort, kort sagt den ideelle tid for en doven husejer. Sådan kunne det for så vidt godt fortsætte en rum tid hvis det stod til mig, men nu skal vejrguderne ødelægge tilstanden. De lader det klodser ned i store grimme våde kolde klatter, som ligger sig over vej, plæne, ikke bortblæste blade, fortov og have gang. De 2 sidste forventes så at være så ryddelige at avisbudet i nattens mulm trygt kan aflevere bulletinerne fra døgnets rejsestald. Det betyder med andre ord, at den dovne husejer…

  • Myanmar


    My first trip to Myanmar or Burma took place in November 2013. We had been curious about this former closed country that through some years had been opening up towards the external world. But we do not want to support an oppressive dictatorship, we would like to support the free population of the country. So our travel had been waiting for the rulers to implement freedom of speech and democracy. From the time in 2010 where opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest we began to believe that a visit to Myanmar was acceptable. Our perception was increased through 2011 and 2012 so during the summer…

  • Transportation


    The first option is a taxi bike, only relevant outside Yangon. It’s a tri-bike that mostly assembles an ordinary old-school mens bike without gears fitted with a sidecar. The sidecar can with good will be said to have to passenger seats, however I’ve never seen both seat used. But I’ve seen – and tried – to be in one seat and the luggage in the other. I rode on a taxi bike the first time I was at Ngwe Saung, the trip was the 3 Km from the bus-stop to Tamonnar Oo Resort. I and my suitcase was loaded in the seats and the driver began to push the bike,…

  • Transportation

    Motor bike taxi

    You’ll find them everywhere. The bike is typical fitted with a 75-150 ccm and in scooter design. If you are Burmese you would probably think such a device can seat 3-4 , but I recommend to limit it to the driver and one passenger. In the cities the motorbike taxi can progress faster than the car, because it can circumvent the congestion. Some of the drivers offer a helmet you can wear, the ones I’ve seen are similar what in Denmark is used when riding a bike and be sure it’s one size fits all.

  • Transportation


    The taxi is a good idea when you are going around in a city, at least it will protect you from the traffic and weary feats, save you time and might be comfortable. If you have only been in a taxi in Europe you think of taxis as a uniform experience, forget it in Myanmar where taxi quality is very different. A frequent taxi is a Toyota Corolla from the late 1980’s or a newer low cost Toyota Probox. For old on the odometer has probably been the full clock around more than once, but the engine is still ticking and the horn works, so it’ll go on. Of course…

  • Transportation


    I have not tried local buses as all signs, route plans and guidance I found is in Burmese. Intercity transportation can be done via the wide spread and rather efficient bus network. The intercity buses comes like the cars, some are brand-new directly from Scania and some are 2nd, 3rd++ hands. The older ones are imported used typically from Japan and Korea. Buses provide cheap intercity transport, can easily compete with train and plane. VIP buses are the most expensive, but the offer the best quality busses. The air-condition will definitively work, and here is a caveat, as cold is a status they’ll run the temperature down to freezing. When…

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  • Transportation


    Railroads in Myanmar is operated by the government, so if you travel by train you’ll support the government financial – but that might not be so big a problem after November 8th 2015. The railroads are basically the same as the ones the British laid out before they left in 1948, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same carts that are rolling along the tracks. Locomotives To be honest the condition of Myanmar railroads are miserable. The tracks are made up of light weight rails and when you look down the rail you’ll see that it is laid out wobbly and not straight. If your train experience is…

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  • Transportation


    If you don’t want to rattle and bumping along the roads or railroads of Myanmar, despite it rather low fare charge, you can choose between a number of airlines with domestic operation. The routes covers all of the country from Kaw Thaung in south to Puta O in north. Most domestic routes are operated with turbo-prop planes – the French-Italian ATR planes seems to be popular. This means a lower speed than if they used jets, so a trip from Yangon to Kaw Thaung will take around 3 hours. To secure a better utilisation of the seats most routes are not direct but includes one or more stops to allow…

  • Transportation


    As the roads of Myanmar in most areas are rather poor or non-existing transport goes on the rivers where possible. The boats sailing on the rivers span from a type of long-tail to regular ferries. The small boats can usually be rented in the same way as you take a taxi. Don’t look for comfort equipment, the boat is made of wood with an engine fitted in the back. The motor looks like the ones mounted in Burmese tractors or something ripped from a car. They are typically fitted with a small and inadequate silencer, so a lot of noise is produced. Seating is either a wooden bench or a…

  • Yangon

    Visiting Yangon in 2013

    We arrived to Yangon International Airport where our pre-arrival visas where exchanged to a sticker in our passport. There was a little queue so the process from arrival to getting in to the arrival area took about 35 minutes. Remembering stories about the old days in Eastern Europe we thought it was fairly quick.While we were standing in line for the last check of our papers we had a surprise. Just on the exit from the emigration control was a Burmese man standing with a cardboard sign with my name on it. The man was in fact waiting for us, he willingly escorted us through arrivals, suggested where to change…

  • Yangon

    Colonial quarter

    The area around the city hall was build before WWII by the British. All streets are directed north-south and east-west, which means that an almost any time of the day you’ll be able to walk in the shade. The area west of Sule pagoda has many merchant stall along the pavement and some of the north-south streets are converted into a marked where any kind of groceries, vegetables, fish and poultry (live) is sold. If you visit this area I recommend to go there early to experience most, but it will go on throughout the day. Lonely planet has a city walking tour that ends by the Strand hotel, it…

  • Yangon

    Circle line

    Yangon has a local railway, just like any other metropole. Where any 5-8 Mill. metropole I can think off will have several lines that interconnects to a fabric of transportation Yangon has 1 line – the Circle line. As the name indicates the railway runs in a circle around the city. The southernmost station is Yangon Central Railway Station, where trains for other parts of the country also runs. On the central station you’ll have to go to track 7 and cross back to platform 5-6 where you find a shed on the platform, where you can buy the ticket. Other metropole transportation systems makes an honour of having trains…

  • Yangon

    Meilamu Pagoda

    This is a curiosity of a temple, very colourful and with strange decoration. Someone has called it a Disney land temple, it will take approximate half an hour to stroll around the temple area. I think it’s worth the effort to make a visit, to see that not all Burmese temples are straightly decorated like the Sule and Shwedagon temples. The easiest way to get there is to take the circle line to Tadalay station and walk the remaining ¾ Km.

  • Yangon

    Bogyoke Market

    The market is placed in a large white building on Bogyoke Road a few hundred meters west of the Railway station. The shops in the market are selling almost any kind of non-food product, it seems like the main customer group for the shops are Burmese, but as a foreigner you can find things of interest. In the ground floor there is a large section with gold and jewellery. On the second floor on the Bogyoke Road facade you can find a small gallery with Burmese art. The gallery represents at least a handful of Burmese painters, some paint very Burmese motives but other paint more international motives. We have…

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