City,  Sweden

Malmö – The new parts of the city

The old harbor with the post office and station at the end of the left pier, conversion from industrial harbor to recreational harbor has been going on for years. And also two new areas are growing Bo01 and Varvsstaden (Shipyard city) with the signature building Turning torso.

The area around turning torso is build with diversity in appearance, some low family houses and some arrays with flats in several stories.

But, its as if turning torso always pops up above it all

Lot’s of cafes and restaurants are found in Bo01, and yes of course others than the primary guest can forage on the scraps.

The part of the city is neighbor to the sound (Øresund) with a view towards Copenhagen. The boardwalk is constructed by a type o wood that don’t get slippery when wet, so you can walk securely even in the rain.

The Titanic Love Lock offers a view over the sound, and directly down to the sea floor – sea surface is 5-7 meters down, and guess water level is 4-5 meters.

of course you find a sofa there, it’s the home land of IKEA 🙂

A nice little jump for a swim with the Øresund bridge as the backdrop.

Narrow paths are among initiatives to limit traffic and/or reduce speed, seems very friendly to weak travelers.

Next to Bo01 you’ll find Varsstaden, where the old shipyard is being converted into a living area. The principle is to reuse as much from the old identity into the new. Both building being slightly adjusted or when building are taken gently apart the parts goes into the building material library for reuse in other areas of the city.

The old mechanical workshop is now converted into offices, it has gotten an internal office building made of wood and had 32.000 bricks from the material library added.

But some of the buildings next to the mechanical workshop is brand new.

Great to see whats going on the other side of the sound, it could seem like Copenhagen is lacking behind when creating a more sustainable city, haven’t seen much organized reuse of building materials in Copenhagen.

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