Art,  City,  Culture,  Spain,  Streetart

Street Art in Barcelona

Like any other big city Barcelona has a scene for Street Art. I went with the local street art tour for a walk through the “El Raval” neighborhood, starting at the Museum of Modern Art Barcelona and ending the tour at the “Jardin de tres Xemeneies”. A nice 2 hours walk accompanied by a guide with insights into the local street art scene and access to a hidden gem of a closed city park.

But some of the pictures here is not from that tour but can be found in the Barrio Gothico

Painted in relation to the marking of that it is 50th years since PP died

Stencils and paste-ups are found all over.
Images below are from the guided tour

As in other cities with steel gates in front of the shops many of the gates in Barcelona has been used to place larger pieces of art. Often commissioned by the shop.

Here is a reference to an incident where the public documented police brutality, which lead to conviction of the perpetrators.

International political icons can of course also be found along the streets of Barcelona, here Nelson Mandela.

Boteo’s cat – see also below – used as an icon for Barrio El Raval

The hidden park of the block also sports a lot of street art

When the gate is closed the cat can easier been seen

The Boteo cat on el rambla de Raval

A facade where an artist can show art for a limited time, then the next is allowed to show a piece – or rather two, because the wall on the other side of the house is often used by the same artist.

On the square “Jardin de tres Exemeneies” you can book an area where you can demonstrate your own ambitions as a street art. Just register and bring your cans and ideas.

On "Jardin de tres Exemeneies" you can unfold your own dreams of being a street artis

A piece on “Jardin de tres Exemeneies”

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