The stream Mølleåen (Millers stream) north of Copenhagen is often referred to as the cradle of Danish industrialism. This caused by the fact that the stream has delivered power to mills since the 13th century. The mills has served as power sources for flour grinding, paper, gunpowder, cloth and clothing and metal ware production.
Fuglevad water mill
Along the stream you can find paths that suitable for an easy hike. My wife and started from Fuglevad in Lyngby an early Saturday morning, walking downstream for about 4.5 km, crossed the stream and went upstream. Enjoying the historical sites and the nature along the stream. Even though you never are more than a few hundred meters from inhabited areas – and in many can hear traffic – you a lot of the time feel like being in the wild. At Fuglevad, next to the mill, you find a station (same name) on the Nærum – Jægersborg railroad.
The single track railroad that runs along the stream. On many stretches the path and the rails runs side by sideIn part of the paths biking is not allowed, gives sense as paths are narrowThe train runs in each direction every 20 mins, so you’ll see the little yellow and grey 2 carriage train set often. Here it has just left the station in Brede. In the background is Brede værk, which used to produce clothes.A street lamp at Brede værk, probably 1850-1890Several species of birds lives around the dams and lakes that was created to secure water for running the mills. I didn’t scare this one, it was a protective a Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) that didn’t wanted it near its very young off-springThe father doesn’t like ducks around his young onesThe Eurasian Coot, mother and childDanish national bird the mute swan with it’s “ugly ducklings”The stream has been know as the calm stream as it flows very gentle most of its 36 km long run, it produces some lovely landscapes with reflectionThe railroad bridge from around 1900
The railroad that runs along the stream, today only serves passengers between Nærum and Jægersborg. But when it was first planned in 1875 and inaugurated June 22 1900 it was primarily meant to serve goods the factories along the stream. Read the history in Danish and see pictures from the construction.
Garden lovers might call it a nest of weed, I just like the colorsIn the latest year a new invasive “flower” has found it’s way to the Danish nature. It contains plastic so it will remain here for the next 4-500 yearsEven up til around 2nd worldwas investments was made in factories in the area. Here a cloth coloring plant from 1938