I revisited Myanmar in January 2015, the visit included both places I had visited in 2013 and new places. I arrived at Yangon International Airport at January 1 2015 and left again on January 26.
The visa application process for this visit was with the e-visa, which had been implemented during autumn 2014. The e-visa process is easy to follow and feels secure throughout the application. You are still required to pay ($50) for the visa. When you arrive in Yangon, just proceed to the immigration counter, where your passport will be verified and a visa stamped into it. The entrance date is stamped and the valid until date is written by hand. Just for the ‘fun’ my wife’s passport were stamped with entrance 01 JAN 2015 and valid until 29-01-2014 was written, only once the mistake were found in controls, all other missed or ignored the logical error.
You can see my itinerary on a map